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Podesavanje telefona sa studentskim nalozima


svi nalozi koji se zavrsavaju sa koriste google servis.

Podesavanje pametnih telefona se vodi na dodavanje naloga (accounts) kao google accounts


koraci za iOS

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Scroll down to Mail > Accounts > Add Account, and then select Google.
  3. You’re now at the Gmail sign in page.
  4. Enter your Gmail address, and tap Next.
  5. Enter your password, and tap Next.
  6. It will ask you which things you want to sync. Turn off the things you don’t want to sync, and tap Save in the upper-right corner when finished.


koraci za andorid

u zavisnosti od verzije andorida, koraci se mogu malo razlikovati


  1. Tap Settings.
  2. Go to Accounts > Add account, and then select Google.
  3. At this point, you may be asked for a password, fingerprint, or pattern.
  4. You’ve arrived at the Add your account screen, so enter your Gmail address and tap Next.
  5. Then, enter your Gmail password and tap Next.
  6. Select Agree on the Terms of Service page.
  7. If you want to add payment information, add your credit card here. Otherwise, select No thanks.
  8. Once finished, you will be back at Accounts in Settings. If you want to see the accounts that you have added, or want to delete any, just tap Google.
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Detalji o članku
ID članka: 22
Kategorija: Studentski email nalozi
Datum dodavanja: 2020-10-06 12:40:58
Pregleda: 829
Ocena (Glasovi): Članak još uvek nije ocenjen (0)

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